Sunday, August 11, 2013

Mr Wayne Harper payment of $1.5Million

If you have received email from Mr Wayne Harper.  , beware of the sender as this is a scam email intended to defraud innocent internet users. For awareness purpose the scam email is pasted below.

Mr Wayne Harper.

from: Mr Wayne Harper. <>
date: Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 6:07 AM

Attention: E-mail Address Owner,
We have concluded to effect your payment of $1.5Million, through western union, but the maximum amount you shall be receiving daily starting from tomorrow is $5000.00 until the funds is completely transferred, Kindly Contact Western union Agent below:
Name: Mr. Richard Obunso
TEL: +229-98-532-544
E-mail: ( )
Though,Ani Mike I sent $5000.00 in your name today so contact Mr. Richard Obunso or you call him as soon as you got this email and tell him to give you the Mtcn, sender name and question/answer to pick up the $5000.00 Pls let me know as soon as you have received the whole fund $1.5Million,
Thank you.

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