Is it a scam?
Email from CARLES FARRERAS DURAN address , Beware of the sender as numerous scam emails has been sent by this particular individual. Emails like these are designed to commit online frauds and steal identity. Do not fall victim of identity theft. Do not sharing any banking details with the sender. Identity theft is common over Internet.
If you want more information how this scam email work . Please Read Advance Fee Frauds and Identity Theft . You can also find other emails addresses and names of scammers.
About Fraud
Good Day my Brethren
I am seeking the immediate assistance of a reliable and trustworthy Person that will grant me my last wish by help me set up charity Organization l. Revert back to me for more details. All contact should be addressed to me via email:
Aquest correu electrònic i els annexos poden contenir informació confidencial o protegida legalment i està adreçat exclusivament a la persona o entitat destinatària. Si no sou el destinatari final o la persona encarregada de rebre’l, no esteu autoritzat a llegir-lo, retenir-lo, modificar-lo, distribuir-lo, copiar-lo ni a revelar-ne el contingut. Si heu rebut aquest correu electrònic per error, us preguem que n’informeu al remitent i que elimineu del sistema el missatge i el material annex que pugui contenir. Gràcies per la vostra col·laboració.
Este correo electrónico y sus anexos pueden contener información confidencial o legalmente protegida y está exclusivamente dirigido a la persona o entidad destinataria. Si usted no es el destinatario final o la persona encargada de recibirlo, no está autorizado a leerlo, retenerlo, modificarlo, distribuirlo, copiarlo ni a revelar su contenido. Si ha recibido este mensaje electrónico por error, le rogamos que informe al remitente y elimine del sistema el mensaje y el material anexo que pueda contener. Gracias por su colaboración.
This email message and any documents attached to it may contain confidential or legally protected material and are intended solely for the use of the individual or organization to whom they are addressed. We remind you that if you are not the intended recipient of this email message or the person responsible for processing it, then you are not authorized to read, save, modify, send, copy or disclose any of its contents. If you have received this email message by mistake, we kindly ask you to inform the sender of this and to eliminate both the message and any attachments it carries from your account. Thank you for your collaboration.
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